Trauma & Co.

Online Community Guidelines

By joining the Trauma & Co. Online Community on FB you are agreeing to the following

(you will be asked if you agree to these guidelines upon joining the FB Group):

  • Everything said and shared in the group stays in the group.

  • Please do not share names of anyone else in the group outside of the group.

  • No advice giving (unless specifically and clearly asked for).

  • We are not all having the same experience, and as such we do not compare experiences, or assume our experience is the only experience. Please do not compare yours or anyone else’s experience as worse or better.

  • We do not give or ask for trigger warnings in these spaces, because I do not believe we can know or judge what may or may not be triggering for another person.

  • We each take personal responsibility for our own needs and care when it comes to how much we read/view and engage on posts within the group. Your safety and wellbeing are important and you are welcome to step away and engage with your resources if you need to at any time.

  • Please DO NOT use this group to market or promote your services. Any promotion we do in the group will be of Trauma & Co. services and any other promotion we do of services outside of our organisation will be done so at our discretion.

  • This is not a crisis support group. If you are in a crisis or emergency situation, please engage with your local crisis or emergency services, or with those who can support you in this way.

  • If you want to contact one of the admins/moderators for non-crisis support inside or outside of the group, please allow 72 hours for us to respond.

  • Please respect each other's gender pronouns. If you do not know a person’s gender pronouns, either don't use them, or default to they/them if gender pronouns are needed.

  • We do not question or assume another person's identity or experience.

  • We agree to entering this space from a place of believing each other first.

  • If feedback is asked for in comments, we are aware that other people may have different views and opinions to us and I encourage each of us to take what we need and leave the rest.

  • Discrimination of marginalized groups or people is not considered an 'opinion' and where this is pointed out, please be mindful of your responses, including not asking others to do emotional labour on your behalf.

  • While I cannot police people's internal responses to such incidents, I encourage us all to listen to the different experiences of others and where they may experience harm, and, if we have caused any harm through our language or behaviour, I encourage listening, learning and a clear apology.

  • There are no experts here (apart from in our own self and our own lived experience). Whatever background we each come from, we each do not assume we know what another person needs better than they know themselves, or that we know another person's life, body or experience better than they do.

  • Please do not contact other people outside of the group unless you have received their consent.

  • We each agree to show up with compassion and respect for each other and our individual experiences and processes.

  • Again, take exquisitely good care of yourself and each other, while trying to honour the consent and boundaries of each other throughout our time together.

  • You will be asked for your email address upon joining, which we will only use to add you to our newsletter list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Please also be mindful of Trauma & Co.’s values when joining our groups.