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Please note, Trauma & Co. services are currently paused or are not taking new clients. We hope to be able to offer more support services soon.

Trauma is a natural human response to experiences our bodies (including our brains and nervous systems) find threatening or overwhelming.

We continue living with trauma when we don’t have the resources, tools or support to process these experiences. (Often it is not the event itself that causes ongoing trauma, but not having support thereafter.) To add to this, many of us have lived/are living in continuously traumatic environments or cultures that exacerbate or compound our experiences.

There is nothing wrong with you for living with trauma responses as a result of experiences your body did not have the resources, tools or support to process.


It is human to need and to seek out support, and to explore ways to live with more ease in our bodies and lives.

However, all too often, the systems and services we look to for support cannot or do not meet us in the fullness and complexity of our experiences. Many support services do not understand trauma or are not equipped to support people with complex trauma (and sometimes can even be re-traumatizing or dehumanizing in themselves).

Whether we live with complex trauma caused by abuse, neglect or violence, the trauma of living in oppressive cultures and systems, singular event traumas, and/or living with ancestral or intergenerational traumas,

Those of us who live with the impacts of complex trauma often have a range of support needs, but few spaces that can hold such complexity.

With this, I offer 1-1 Online Trauma Support Sessions

a new approach to supporting people living with trauma


What are Trauma Support Sessions?

Trauma Support Sessions are provided by Sarah Mariann Martland. I am the Founder & Director of Trauma & Co. and work here as a Trauma Support Practitioner (as well as being trained as a Trauma Informed Embodiment (TIE) Practitioner, which influences many aspects of the somatic work I offer).

You can read more about me and my background here.

I also 1-1 Supervision & Consultancy Sessions for Helping Professionals and those working with trauma (if you work with humans you work with trauma) and offer various online programs throughout the year for humans living and working with trauma. Click the following buttons for more info on each: